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HtmlWriter Methods

The HtmlWriter type exposes the following members.

Public methodDispose Release all resource used by the HtmlWriter object.
Protected methodDispose(Boolean) Release the unmanaged resources used by the HtmlWriter and optionally releases the managed resources.
Public methodEquals
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalize Release unmanaged resources and perform other cleanup operations before the HtmlWriter is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Overrides ObjectFinalize)
Public methodFlush Flush any remaining state to the output stream.
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetType
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToString
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodCode exampleWriteAttribute(HtmlAttribute) Write the attribute to the output stream.
Public methodCode exampleWriteAttribute(HtmlAttributeId, String) Write the attribute to the output stream.
Public methodCode exampleWriteAttribute(String, String) Write the attribute to the output stream.
Public methodWriteAttribute(HtmlAttributeId, Char, Int32, Int32) Write the attribute to the output stream.
Public methodWriteAttribute(String, Char, Int32, Int32) Write the attribute to the output stream.
Public methodWriteAttributeName(HtmlAttributeId) Write the attribute name to the output stream.
Public methodCode exampleWriteAttributeName(String) Write the attribute name to the output stream.
Public methodCode exampleWriteAttributeValue(String) Write the attribute value to the output stream.
Public methodWriteAttributeValue(Char, Int32, Int32) Write the attribute value to the output stream.
Public methodWriteEmptyElementTag(HtmlTagId) Write an empty element tag.
Public methodWriteEmptyElementTag(String) Write an empty element tag.
Public methodCode exampleWriteEndTag(HtmlTagId) Write an end tag.
Public methodWriteEndTag(String) Write an end tag.
Public methodWriteMarkupText(String) Write a string containing HTML markup directly to the output, without escaping special characters.
Public methodWriteMarkupText(Char, Int32, Int32) Write a buffer containing HTML markup directly to the output, without escaping special characters.
Public methodCode exampleWriteStartTag(HtmlTagId) Write a start tag.
Public methodWriteStartTag(String) Write a start tag.
Public methodCode exampleWriteText(String) Write text to the output stream, escaping special characters.
Public methodWriteText(String, Object) Write text to the output stream, escaping special characters.
Public methodWriteText(Char, Int32, Int32) Write text to the output stream, escaping special characters.
Public methodWriteToken Write a token to the output stream.
See Also