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HttpsProxyClient Properties

The HttpsProxyClient type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCheckCertificateRevocation Get or set whether connecting via SSL/TLS should check certificate revocation.
Public propertyClientCertificates Gets or sets the client SSL certificates.
Public propertyLocalEndPoint Get or set the local IP end point to use when connecting to a remote host.
(Inherited from ProxyClient)
Public propertyProxyCredentials Gets the proxy credentials.
(Inherited from ProxyClient)
Public propertyProxyHost Get the proxy host.
(Inherited from ProxyClient)
Public propertyProxyPort Get the proxy port.
(Inherited from ProxyClient)
Public propertyServerCertificateValidationCallback Get or sets a callback function to validate the server certificate.
Public propertySslProtocols Gets or sets the set of enabled SSL and/or TLS protocol versions that the client is allowed to use.
See Also