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HtmlAttributeId Enumeration

HTML attribute identifiers.

Namespace: MimeKit.Text
Assembly: MimeKit (in MimeKit.dll) Version: 4.3.0
public enum HtmlAttributeId
Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0 An unknown HTML attribute identifier.
Abbr1 The "abbr" attribute.
Accept2 The "accept" attribute.
AcceptCharset3 The "accept-charset" attribute.
AccessKey4 The "accesskey" attribute.
Action5 The "action" attribute.
Align6 The "align" attribute.
Alink7 The "alink" attribute.
Alt8 The "alt" attribute.
Archive9 The "archive" attribute.
Axis10 The "axis" attribute.
Background11 The "background" attribute.
BGColor12 The "bgcolor" attribute.
Border13 The "border" attribute.
CellPadding14 The "cellpadding" attribute.
CellSpacing15 The "cellspacing" attribute.
Char16 The "char" attribute.
CharOff17 The "charoff" attribute.
Charset18 The "charset" attribute.
Checked19 The "checked" attribute.
Cite20 The "cite" attribute.
Class21 The "class" attribute.
ClassId22 The "classid" attribute.
Clear23 The "clear" attribute.
Code24 The "code" attribute.
CodeBase25 The "codebase" attribute.
CodeType26 The "codetype" attribute.
Color27 The "color" attribute.
Cols28 The "cols" attribute.
ColSpan29 The "colspan" attribute.
Compact30 The "compact" attribute.
Content31 The "content" attribute.
Coords32 The "coords" attribute.
Data33 The "data" attribute.
DateTime34 The "datetime" attribute.
Declare35 The "declare" attribute.
Defer36 The "defer" attribute.
Dir37 The "dir" attribute.
Disabled38 The "disabled" attribute.
DynSrc39 The "dynsrc" attribute.
EncType40 The "enctype" attribute.
Face41 The "face" attribute.
For42 The "for" attribute.
Frame43 The "frame" attribute.
FrameBorder44 The "frameborder" attribute.
Headers45 The "headers" attribute.
Height46 The "height" attribute.
Href47 The "href" attribute.
HrefLang48 The "hreflang" attribute.
Hspace49 The "hspace" attribute.
HttpEquiv50 The "http-equiv" attribute.
Id51 The "id" attribute.
IsMap52 The "ismap" attribute.
Label53 The "label" attribute.
Lang54 The "lang" attribute.
Language55 The "language" attribute.
LeftMargin56 The "leftmargin" attribute.
Link57 The "link" attribute.
LongDesc58 The "longdesc" attribute.
LowSrc59 The "lowsrc" attribute.
MarginHeight60 The "marginheight" attribute.
MarginWidth61 The "marginwidth" attribute.
MaxLength62 The "maxlength" attribute.
Media63 The "media" attribute.
Method64 The "method" attribute.
Multiple65 The "multiple" attribute.
Name66 The "name" attribute.
NoHref67 The "nohref" attribute.
NoResize68 The "noresize" attribute.
NoShade69 The "noshade" attribute.
NoWrap70 The "nowrap" attribute.
Object71 The "object" attribute.
Profile72 The "profile" attribute.
Prompt73 The "prompt" attribute.
ReadOnly74 The "readonly" attribute.
Rel75 The "rel" attribute.
Rev76 The "rev" attribute.
Rows77 The "rows" attribute.
RowSpan78 The "rowspan" attribute.
Rules79 The "rules" attribute.
Scheme80 The "scheme" attribute.
Scope81 The "scope" attribute.
Scrolling82 The "scrolling" attribute.
Selected83 The "selected" attribute.
Shape84 The "shape" attribute.
Size85 The "size" attribute.
Span86 The "span" attribute.
Src87 The "src" attribute.
StandBy88 The "standby" attribute.
Start89 The "start" attribute.
Style90 The "style" attribute.
Summary91 The "summary" attribute.
TabIndex92 The "tabindex" attribute.
Target93 The "target" attribute.
Text94 The "text" attribute.
Title95 The "title" attribute.
TopMargin96 The "topmargin" attribute.
Type97 The "type" attribute.
UseMap98 The "usemap" attribute.
Valign99 The "valign" attribute.
Value100 The "value" attribute.
ValueType101 The "valuetype" attribute.
Version102 The "version" attribute.
Vlink103 The "vlink" attribute.
Vspace104 The "vspace" attribute.
Width105 The "width" attribute.
XmlNS106 The "xmlns" attribute.
HTML attribute identifiers.
See Also