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IMessageSummary Properties

The IMessageSummary type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnnotations Gets the message annotations, if available.
Public propertyCode exampleAttachments Gets the attachments.
Public propertyBody Gets the body structure of the message, if available.
Public propertyBodyParts Gets the body parts of the message.
Public propertyDate Gets the Date header value.
Public propertyEmailId Get the globally unique identifier for the message, if available.
Public propertyEnvelope Gets the envelope of the message, if available.
Public propertyFields Get a bitmask of fields that have been populated.
Public propertyFlags Gets the message flags, if available.
Public propertyFolder Get the folder that the message belongs to.
Public propertyGMailLabels Gets the list of GMail labels, if available.
Public propertyGMailMessageId Gets the GMail message identifier, if available.
Public propertyGMailThreadId Gets the GMail thread identifier, if available.
Public propertyHeaders Gets the list of headers, if available.
Public propertyCode exampleHtmlBody Gets the html body part of the message if it exists.
Public propertyIndex Gets the index of the message.
Public propertyInternalDate Gets the internal date of the message, if available.
Public propertyIsReply Gets whether or not the message is a reply.
Public propertyKeywords Gets the user-defined message flags, if available.
Public propertyModSeq Gets the mod-sequence value for the message, if available.
Public propertyNormalizedSubject Gets the normalized subject.
Public propertyPreviewText Gets the preview text of the message.
Public propertyReferences Gets the message-ids that the message references, if available.
Public propertySaveDate Gets the date and time that the message was saved to the current mailbox, if available.
Public propertySize Gets the size of the message, in bytes, if available.
Public propertyCode exampleTextBody Gets the text body part of the message if it exists.
Public propertyThreadId Get the globally unique thread identifier for the message, if available.
Public propertyUniqueId Gets the unique identifier of the message, if available.
See Also